Strategy for Empowering Poor Families through an Integrated Program to Increase the Role of Women towards Prosperous Healthy Families in Depok, West Java

This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Program for Increasing the Role of Women Towards Healthy Families conducted by the Government in Cipayung, Depok, West Java. The program is aimed at reducing poverty, especially among women household heads through increasing the role of women who use a cross- sectoral approach to development in a coordinated manner, with efforts directed at increasing family welfare to achieve high standards of living. By using the seven stages of community empowerment, this research found several things, including: the involvement of women in the determination of the program to be run is still very limited – they are only involved in the implementation of the program, there are no indicators of program achievement, and unclear program sustainability as a result of fragmentation of local government policies.

Keywords: Poor Families, Female Heads Household, Empowerment, Community Development, Public Policy

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